Dinner time, also known as a do-over!

So when we were newlyweds, way back when, I decided I could be Betty Crocker.  I thought I was an awesome cook, and tried all kinds of “fancy” recipes to please my new husband.  One night meatloaf was on the menu.  Fancy, right?  So I try to remember how my mom made it all those times, left out the onions that I never liked, and threw a HUGE pan of it in the oven!  My mom’s meatloaf is the best, aside from the onions, of course.  We sit down to dinner in our little, tiny kitchen at our little, tiny 2-seat table and dig in.  Somehow J ate 2 big pieces before I tried it, and he didn’t say a word.  I took a bite…  it was AWFUL!!!  I mean seriously disgusting!  It was like a giant, solid mass of hamburger with no seasonings, topped with ketchup!  Awful!  And my poor husband was trying not to hurt my feelings and ate what I’d put on his plate without saying anything.

Times have changed!  18 years have passed and now our table seats all 6 of us.   J doesn’t hesitate to tell me when something I’ve made is gross.  I have picky kids and not-so-picky kids, plus a husband that I apparently scarred with my early cooking, so meatloaf has never been on my radar since.  One of my favorite recipes is for BBQ Meatballs, so tonight I decided to make it into a blob and try my luck!

It was a limited success, but I’ll take it!  Mallory won’t touch it (or the HOMEMADE mac & cheese with PANKO, hello YUM!) but she also didn’t get a nap today, so that’s probably why.  Andy and Kate had seconds (on both!!!!) and Alec didn’t eat anything at all.  It was a little too bland, so I may have to break down and add onions next time!





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